is providing the free advance calculator which perform the step by step solutions of Profit/Gain, Loss, Profit/Gain%, Loss%, Cost Price, Selling Price, Discount, Discount% and Marked Price. Our free tool help you to enhance your calculation related Profit, Loss and Discount chapter. This tool also provide all used formulas in calculation with tricks. By using, you are able to solve questions within fraction of seconds.
Mathac Advanced Calculator
How to use Profit/Gain, Loss and Discount Calculator?
Read carefully the simple procedures which enable you to use our advance Profit, Loss and Discount Calculator are as follows:
- Step 1: Select the option from selection box. (Given Values) Or it based on which values are given in your word problem questions(SP, CP, Profit, Loss, Discount, Marked).
- Step 2: Enter the given values in respective input fields from your questions.
- Step 3: Now click on button “Solve” to get step by steps solutions.
- Step 4: To copy solution of your questions. then Click on “Click” button.
- Step 5: To share the solution of your questions to friends. Then click on “Share” button.
- Step 6: To perform new questions calculations, click on “Refresh” button.
How to Select the required option form selection box to perform calculation in above calculator?
It is very simple process to select the required option from selection box. Let’s understand with the help of simple examples. Which enable you to understand ‘how to select the option from selection box’.
In your questions, if selling price and profit/gain are given then select the Selling Price and Profit/gain option to calculate Cost Price Or If Cost Price and profit/gain are given then select the Cost Price and Profit/gain option to calculate the Selling Price Or If Cost Price and Profit/gain% are given then select the Cost Price and Profit/gain% option to calculate the Selling Price Or If Cost Price and Profit/gain% are given then select the Cost Price and Profit/gain% option to calculate the Selling Price, many more . It is totally depends upon your questions requirements and contains. “what’s given Or What to Find”.
I hope it help you to select option easily to perform your calculation within a fraction of second with step by step solutions.
Some Important Short term used in above Calculator.
Short Terms | Meaning |
SP | Selling Price |
CP | Cost Price |
MP | Marked Price or Market Price |
D | Discount |
% | Percentage |
All Important formula related to Profit, Loss, and Discount
If you want know about all the important formula of Profit and Loss chapters which are used in above calculator. Very Good it is better understanding to learn more about basic of Profit and Loss chapter and all formulas related to Gain/Profit, Loss, Discount, Cost Price, Selling Cost, Marked Price. Click here to know more with suitable examples.
We have provided the all formulas in single table which enable you to learn easily. then, Do more practices from your math book questions to build your confidences regarding this concept.
Note: If you have found any difficulties regarding formula or basic concepts or calculation related error or any query. Please Feel Free to contact us. We shortly reach to help in your calculation or troubleshoot quickly in calculator.